
Senku's group gets a new ally and makes a big move on Ibara

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 was released on Thursday, October 26, 2023, bringing with it the follow-up to last week’s shocking events. With Kohaku and Ginru now gone, the Kingdom of Science finds itself with two-thirds of its information team eliminated for the time being.

Thankfully, Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 remedies this issue by giving the Kingdom of Science a powerful and unexpected ally. While this ally may only be joining the group to pursue his own interests, they’ll nevertheless prove a valuable weapon in the war against Ibara and his Petrification Kingdom.

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 follows up Kingdom of Science’s shocking loss with an unexpected gain

Brief episode recap

Amaryllis makes good on her promise to Kohaku and Ginro in Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 (Image via TMS Entertainment)

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 began with a brief replay of Kohaku and Ginro’s sacrifice from the previous installment. Senku and company were then seen reviving Yuzuriha, who immediately got to work on repairing the broken statues that the rest of them had previously collected.

Chrome was revived to work on the drone with Kaseki. Ukyo was also revived so that the Kingdom of Science could have its best information finder back.

Almost immediately, Ukyo said someone was entering their hideout, and it was revealed to be Amaryllis. She told the others about how Kohaku and Ginro sacrificed themselves, as well as the fact that the Master was petrified and that Soyuz resembled him. Senku, Ryusui, Gen, Chrome, and Ukyo then began strategizing their next plan.

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 saw the group determine that the Petrification Kingdom only has one Medusa Device. This is due to how caring Ibara is as a person and the fact that Kirisame is the one who is instructed to hold the device. They also deduced that Kirisame and the others are unaware that the Master is petrified based on how she threw the weapon at Kohaku and Ginro.

However, as they came to this conclusion, Moz appeared, questioning how they knew all of this before attacking Taiju. Senku and his group then tried to come up with a plan, while Chrome realized that Moz chose to follow Amaryllis rather than kill her despite realizing she was an intruder. In other words, Moz knew Ginro was a traitor but said nothing.

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 then saw Senku conclude that Moz doesn’t care if Ibara dies as a result. The rest of the group then looked to Gen to speak with Moz and negotiate with him, and he did so enthusiastically. He immediately suggested that they join forces, taking Moz by surprise.

Senku then took the opportunity to reveal their drone, which Gen began marketing to Moz as an anti-Medusa Device weapon.

Gen took advantage of Moz’s distraction to stand right next to him. This was done to make Moz feel more solidarity with Gen and the others. Gen complimented Moz’s strength but purposefully did so in a way that would understate it.

Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 saw Moz question whether he should kill all of them or Ibara. He then decided that if he was going to kill all of them, he may as well confirm that Ibara petrified the Master.

Moz then reconfirmed his own desire to kill Ibara and rule over the inner palace for himself. He said he would’ve done it long ago if not for Kirisame’s Medusa Device and the danger it posed. This created a three-way deadlock between all three parties since Kirisame didn’t realize that the Master was petrified.

Senku then suggested that they join forces, with their interests being aligned. Gen jumped in and offered terms dictating that Moz could keep the inner palace for himself, but the Kingdom of Science would get the Medusa Device. Moz rejected this offer since he had the upper hand in combat, demanding both the inner palace and the Medusa Device.

Moz promised to keep their hideout a secret in exchange, seemingly agreeing to the deal. While Gen seemed dismayed, he revealed he used psychological reactance to get Moz to forget about killing them by making him want to take control of their negotiations. With Moz officially an ally, Senku gave him an earpiece like Kohaku’s before he departed.

Once he was gone, Gen decompressed, clearly stressed from his talks with Moz. The others congratulated him and celebrated their new ally before getting to work on other preparations.

The episode ended with Senku giving Moz a new weapon and stealth suit, which he used to pose as an intruder and attack the inner palace to draw out Ibara and Kirisame.

In review

While Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 moves somewhat slower than prior installments, this is balanced out by how big of a gain Moz’s cooperation is for Senku and his group. The episode also does a great job establishing how difficult it was for Gen to achieve something substantial via his conversation with Moz.

This makes Moz’s cooperation feel truly earned rather than something that had to happen for plot reasons. While one can argue that it had to happen, nevertheless, the series didn’t necessarily need to go out of its way to justify the partnership as much as it did.

For this reason, the installment’s slow pace is more than made up for by the care and attention to detail that went into the production of its events.

In summation

While Dr. Stone season 3 episode 14 doesn’t see much happen, the little that changes in the war between Senku and Ibara’s groups will have a great effect on the battle’s outcome.

Moz being in league with the Kingdom of Science, even temporarily, causes a major shift in the power dynamic, which fans will see fully come to fruition in the next episode.

Be sure to keep up with all Dr. Stone anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-06-17